
Rules and Resources: Various Resources for Wrath & Glory

Initiative Order


Seize the Initiative

Whenever an Agent has finished their Turn for the Round, the players can Seize the Initiative. Instead of the initiative order passing to a Threat, the players may choose to spend one Glory to have another Agent act instead. This can only be done once before the Threats take their Turn. The GM may spend on Ruin to Seize the Initiative for a Threat in the same way.

Interrupting Initiative

You can interrupt the normal initiative order by holding your Action. To do so, you choose not to make a Combat Action during your Turn, and announce you are holding your action instead. Once at any point in the Round when another character is about to perform a Movement or any type of Action, you may declare you are interrupting initiative.

To interrupt another character’s Action, you must succeed on an opposed Initiative Test; the winner gets to take their Action first.